The Sisseton Arts Council as well as municipal agencies in Sisseton wanted to find creative ways of revitalizing their downtown along Veterans Boulevard. One of the main revitalization efforts was to create an arts and cultural destination through civic and community engagement.
One of the first revitalization efforts was to create a Sisseton Art Walk. Local artists, to include artists from the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe, were invited to take part of this outdoor community project. The idea was to create either a painting, photo, collage, poetry, and/or documentation on panels (treated plywood). Ten panels were completed with themes ranging from cross-cultural celebrations, histories and traditions, hopes and dream of their community, preservation and conservation of Coteau des Prairie and Lake Traverse Reservation. These panels were then mounted outside of buildings located up and down Veterans Boulevard.
Thank you to the South Dakota Arts Council and the Sisseton Arts Council for the Artist in Communities Grant.